The following article is a guide on how to arrange for police crime records to be removed from a serial number. It is intended to assist CheckMEND users by providing you with step by step instructions on how to remove records that may be causing a ‘red flag’ result to appear on a CheckMEND certificate. This article assumes you are the rightful owner of the item of property and have a valid claim to ownership for it.
Step 1: You need to find out what police force has put the crime record on your property. Even if you suspect you know what police force it is we still strongly recommend that you first contact the CheckMEND support team so we can give you some specific information about it. See the knowledge base article HERE for further details on this.
Step 2: Don’t panic. We are fully aware that police crime records can become associated with property serial numbers for a variety of perfectly innocent reasons and no one here is accusing you of having committed any crimes. Contacting the police can be a bit daunting but if you get stuck at any point then don’t worry. Answers to problems can be found below and if you do get stuck at any point you can still contact us for assistance. If you tell us what step you are on and what the problem you are having with it is then we will do all we can to help.
Step 3: Contact the police force responsible for creating the crime record and provide them with the crime reference number you were given when you originally reported your property as stolen. If you do not know the crime reference then give them the items serial number instead. They should be able to look into the records using this information and identify whether or not the crime record on it is still valid.
Q) How do I contact the Police?
Q) The police cannot delete the crime record. What do I do?
Step 4: If the police confirm that the crime report is valid and part of an outstanding investigation that cannot be closed then unfortunately it will not be possible to remove the crime record from this item and it will remain red-flagged on CheckMEND.
Step 5: If the police force confirm that the crime record can be closed then they will need to close it in both their local crime system and the NMPR property intelligence system. It is VERY important that the record is removed from the NMPR as this is a primary source of information CheckMEND uses to check for police crime data. Any stolen property records there will continue to flag up in CheckMEND results until they have been removed. Police forces can remove records from the NMPR by logging in at and then selecting the 'Data' menu followed by 'Data Removal' option.
Alternatively if the person you are speaking to does not have an account set up on the NMPR then they can submit a request to close a crime report by emailing Be aware that removal requests to this email must come directly from a police email address. Requests from members of the public to close police theft records will not be accepted. The email address is a technical support email for the NMPR only.
Q) What do I do if the police cannot locate the crime record?
Q) What if the police claim that the crime record has already been closed or never existed?
Step 6: Once the police have closed the crime on their local system AND informed the NMPCU we recommend you contact us again. We can then recheck the property records for you and confirm if everything has been cleared.
Questions and Answers
Every police force in the UK has its own website with contact details on, so do a quick search in an internet search engine for the name of the police force and you will usually find their website within the top few results.
You should find there are a number of options for contacting them on their website using either phone, email, or via a site based messaging system. If you decide to contact the police by phone then you should use their non-emergency contact number.
What do I do if the police cannot locate the crime record?
If the police are unable to locate the crime records then request that they run a search for the identifier number (e.g. the serial or IMEI number) using a police system called the NMPR (National Mobile Property Register) available at
Be aware that although all police forces have access to this system, not all police officers will be familiar with it. If the person you are speaking to claims to be unable to access this then you will need to request that they escalate this to someone who can. Alternatively, you can ask the police officer to send an email to for assistance with finding out the crime reference number.
What if the police claim that the crime record has already been closed or never existed?
Typically this will mean that the record may have already been closed in the forces local crime system but it has not been closed yet through the NMPR. To fix this the police will need to follow the steps for looking the record up in the NMPR and then closing the record there.