IMMOBILISE: ImmobiTag numbers

Every electronic ImmobiTag comes with two unique identifying numbers that can be registered by creating an account at

The number which appears on the barcode is your main ImmobiTag identifier that will appear whenever your ImmobiTag has been scanned.

Once the tag has been installed, should your bike ever be lost or stolen any police force that recovers it can use an RFID scanner to read the tag number. They will then be able to search for it on their database and find it registered on your Immobilise account. The police can then use the details on your account to contact you and ensure the bike is returned.

The second number that comes with every ImmobiTag and is a sticker with its own unique identifier. This can be fixed onto any bike and registered at the same time as your ImmobiTag number onto the Immobilise site. Once registered it will act as a secondary reference number for police to use in identifying your bike should it ever be lost or stolen and will also act as a visual deterrent to help prevent bike theft.

While registering these numbers we also recommend that you register any other numbers your bicycle has on it such as; a serial number, frame number, or model number, as these can also help identify your bike and if stolen help in its safe return.

Although you could put the barcode sticker on your bicycle it is not designed for outside use like the Warning Sticker is. We, therefore, recommend that after you have finished registering the numbers on an account at, you put the sticker somewhere safe in your home. This way even if it was ever lost from your account on Immobilise you would still have it to hand and it can be added back in again. 

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